AMC Announces Return Date/Cancellation For Into The Badlands

The wait for Into the Badlands to resume its third season has been long. AMC finally announced when the series would return and revealed the show would be ending with Season 3.

The good news is Into the Badlands is back Sunday, March 24. It returns to its regular time slot the next night,  Monday March 25, with another new episode. The bad news is once the remaining episodes of Season 3 conclude the series will be over.

As someone who had been eagerly looking forward to news of Into the Badlands returning, this announcement is really disappointing.  AMC really did the show no favors by keeping it on the sidelines for so long and not promoting it nearly enough. While I am grateful it appears the show will have a solid ending, the potential for more story-lines was abundant.

Into the Badlands was unique among the crowded TV landscape. In addition to having the best fight choreography on TV, it had stunning costumes and did not get enough credit for how good it looked visually. Often the series dazzled with a colorful array of violence in gorgeous settings. The multitude of colors was also represented in the diverse characters that make up the show’s cast.

For a look at what’s in store as the series comes to an end, check out this first look video below of The Widow in action against the Master.


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